Minifig D&D Hobgoblins

Minifig's Hobgoblins were quite good for the time and since Hobgoblins seem to be a miniature that was largely ignored by most producers, even by most official D&D miniature producers, these minis are priceless to the vintage gamer. Additionally, they have the merit of being a very good reproduction of the picture from the original Monster Manual. Variations of several models have been encountered. 

HBG1 Hobgoblin Sergeant with Military Fork
HBG2 Hobgoblin with Partizan
HBG2 Hobgoblin with Partizan (variation)
HBG3 Hobgoblin with Spetum
HBG4 Hobgoblin with Glaive Guisarme
HBG4 Hobgoblin with Glaive Guisarme (variation)
HBG5 Hobgoblin with Spiked-Tipped Guisarme
HBG5 Hobgoblin with Spiked-Tipped Guisarme (variation)
HBG6 Hobgoblin hurling Spear
HBG7 Hobgoblin firing Horn Bow
HBG8 Hobgoblin with Barbed Whip
HBG9 Hobgoblin with Scimitar
HBG10 Hobgoblin with Spiked Mace
HBG10 Hobgoblin with Spiked Mace (variation)
HBG11 Hobgoblin marching with Banner
HBG12 Hobgoblin Chieftain with Mace
HBG13 Hobgoblin Sub-chief with Kris-bladed Sword
HBG14 Hobgoblin Guardsman with Bardische

Pictures of Miniatures


DWF1-14 Dwarves
ELF1-14 Elves
GNL1-8 Gnolls
GNM1-5 Gnomes
GOB1-5 Goblins
HBG1-14 Hobgoblins
HOB1-5 Hobbits
KL1-5 Kobolds
ORC1-14 Orcs
OGR1-4 Ogres
OGM1-4 Ogre Magi
TRL1-2 Trolls

Minifigs Mystical Earth (unofficial LOTR)