LATEST ANNOUNCEMENT: I am happy to announce that I have purchased the rights to the Center Stage Miniatures line which went bankrupt after having spent a small fortune to top sculptors to sculpt some very cool figures including Dungeons and Dragons specific figures that are not available by any other makers. Over 200 models are finally available. You can purchase these online at: is not about the game, it is about the art, the art of miniatures, for Dungeons & Dragons has inspired an art form - the art of fantasy sculpting made personal by the art of miniature painting. It is a rare art, one in which the artist/painter may enjoy the beauty of another's work in the form of a miniature sculpture while applying their own artistic abilities with an application of paint. It is shared art form unlike any other. That is the beauty of unpainted minis and so however wonderful prepainted miniatures may be sculpted and however well they may be painted, they will never compare to a bare metal miniature waiting to be brought to life with the magic wand of a paintbrush.
In 2002 the Dungeons & Dragons world changed. It is not rule changes that I am talking about, but the change from bare metal miniatures to prepainted plastic miniatures - 2002 marked the end of an era in the artistry of the Dungeons & Dragons world. Past eras deserve recognition and thus the creation of seven years after the fall of metal in the offical Dungeons & Dragons world.
Please enjoy the grand history of D&D miniature art, beginning with the crude sculpts of the 70's and watch the quality of the art grow through the 80's and 90's until it reached its full maturity in the late 90's and early 2000's.
Darksword Miniatures Elmore Masterworks Sorceress